Technical progress in the automotive industry has led to the fact that the car has ceased to be a luxury item today and is an indispensable attribute of most people’s lives. However, because of the interest in increasing vehicle capacity and the spread of machinery, more and more road accidents began to occur. The reasons for them are different, and the consequences of accidents also differ; therefore, it is possible to describe the most common causes of crashes on the roads and the effects that they have.
Get a custom essay on Car Accidents Causes and Effects --- writers onlineDrunk driving causes accidents quite often and the fact that many cases are fatal is sad. When sitting at the wheel in the state of alcohol intoxication, the driver puts at risk not only his or her life but also the lives of pedestrians and other road users. Laws against drunken drivers are toughened annually; nevertheless, it does not stop some people from violating them. Various cases of death through the fault of such drivers occur quite often, and the consequences of these disasters can be utterly unpredictable since drunk people often do not realize what they are doing when sitting at the wheel.
Those people who do not have much driving experience quite often become involuntary participants in road accidents. The consequences of crashes can be different: it can be both a minor damage to someone else’s vehicle and a serious disaster. The fact is that the lack of experience is often a severe problem in situations that require immediate solutions. The person who has spent many years at the wheel has a good chance of reacting to an unexpected obstacle and avoiding a crash. At the same time, an inexperienced driver can inadvertently provoke a traffic accident and become its culprit. Therefore, the less experienced the driver is, the higher the risk to get into a crash.
In addition to the lack of experience, excessive self-confidence in personal driving skills and disregard for simple safety rules can also become the causes of accidents. As a rule, it applies to those people who have been driving for a long time and believe that they do not need to worry about their lives. An unfastened seat belt, the absence of a fire extinguisher and other violations can lead to irreversible consequences, and not only the perpetrator of a road accident but also a pedestrian or other driver can suffer. It is important to remember that it is essential to be vigilant on the road and not to assume that a significant driving experience is a complete guarantee of safety. Sometimes, excessive self-confidence can lead to dangerous consequences.
One of the frequent causes of accidents is the excess of the speed limit. This violation is dangerous because the person driving at high speed can not respond timely to the threat that has arisen. In this case, the damage from the crash while driving fast will be significantly greater than that from slow driving. The effects of accidents caused by such violations can be severe, and it is crucial not to allow speeding.
Thus, the most common causes of accidents are drunk driving, the lack of driving experience or too much self-confidence, as well as speeding. The consequences of an accident can be extremely severe both for drivers themselves and for people around them. The compliance with traffic rules will help to avoid accidents and be safe.